Exercises after delivery

Pregnancy and the first year of motherhood is an extremely demanding period of life with major changes taking place, and having an impact on physical fitness and the appearance of the female body.

In order for the body to return to shape before the birth, mothers are advised to exercise regularly after giving birth.

When do you start exercising?

It depends on the mode of delivery, if the mother had exercised before and during pregnancy, and depending on whether she feels mentally and physically ready for exercising. The advice is that you start exercising six weeks after the natural birth or six months after a caesarean. However, before that, it is advisable to consult your gynaecologist and your physiotherapist.

How and where to practice your exercises?

If you are not able to go to one of the centres that offer exercises for young mothers, a physical therapist can arrange an exercise program for you that you can do at your own home.

Exercise from the first day

There are exercises that you can do from the first day, such as breathing exercises, called Kegel exercises – exercises to strengthen pelvic floor muscles.

Only putting some effort can return your body back to shape and help you be a more satisfied and happier mother.